MTS has set a benchmark for the rate of the 1st coupon of bonds for 10 billion rubles at a level not exceeding 8.7%

MTS PJSC has set the benchmark for the rate of the 1st coupon of 2-year bonds of series 001R-22 with a volume of at least 10 billion rubles at a level not exceeding 8.70% per annum, a source in the financial market told Interfax.

The benchmark corresponds to a yield to maturity of no more than 8.99% per annum.

The collection of applications for the issue takes place on July 29 from 11:00 to 15:00 Moscow time.

The organizers are BCS Global Markets, Gazprombank, Loko-bank, Credit Bank of Moscow, Rosbank and IFC Solid.

The placement will take place on August 5th.

Previously, MTS entered the debt market at the end of June, placing a 4-year bond issue worth 10 billion rubles at a rate of 9.65% per annum. Demand for bonds almost 6 times exceeded supply.

At the end of April – beginning of May, MTS carried out two placements of bonds. On April 22, the company collected applications for a 3-year issue of 001P-19 series bonds in the amount of 10 billion rubles in an hour without premarketing. The quarterly coupon rate to maturity was set at 11.69% per annum. On April 27, the company collected applications for the issue of series 001R-20 in the amount of 10 billion rubles and a circulation period of 4 years. The rate of the 1st coupon on the issue is set to maturity at the level of 11.75% per annum.

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