How to prepare for the next bull market. Here’s where to invest

It’s not easy to know where to invest, especially in the current uncertainty, but these top companies are cheap right now and could have an advantage in the coming bull market. These months have not been easy for investors. At the end of last year 2022, after a rally that sent the main stock indexes to record highs on the back of rapid inflation that made central banks aggressive on interest rates, macroeconomic problems, supply chains and the so far invincible pandemic hit the stock markets like a rock. The result? Three major US indexes fell in the bear market, the SandP 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq, all less than 20% from their recent highs. The current situation is not favorable for investors, but it is never too early to start thinking about the next bull market, because bear markets usually do not last that long. But why is now a good time to invest instead of waiting? Bear markets often offer us the opportunity to buy solid stocks at bargain prices and then reap the benefits when market conditions improve. Let’s look at the big names whose share prices have fallen but could rise in a bull market thanks to strong assets.

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